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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

More Compton Intrigue

Posted by on December 14 at 12:44 PM

So, the process to replace Compton is basically this: Anyone from the public can apply. You send in a resume and introduce yourself to Council at a public meeting, and then, like any hiring process, the Council narrows down the applicants and does final interviews. The process, I imagine, takes about a month.

So, Team Nickels has another chance (Casey Corr having failed big time during the election) to get one of their allies on council.

We’ll be tracking who applies and how they’re affiliated.

On a different note: Since we don’t have districts (which we should!), Compton’s seat doesn’t officially represent anything. However, at this morning’s press conference, Seattle Times reporter Bob Young jokingly described Compton’s seat as the “Journalist Seat.” Drago shot back: “We already have too many of those.” Anyway, we’ll see if any journalists apply.

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Oh, this ain't going to be like
any hiring process were use to
seeing or experiencing....

There will be intense lobbying
undertaken outside the council
as well as between the council members themselves to make that
selection. Who will support whom?

Team Nickels will have to promise
a mountain in order to get Mr.
Corr back into this race. I can't
see it happening with either Drago
or Conlin as president.

No, this ain't going to be a simple
hire a new boy or girl to fill the empty desk. This is going be a good old fashioned closed door, behind the
scenes effort for a number of factions to get their candidate on the council.

If they are smart, they'd pick a nobody and "help" them along, however I suspect there are too many favors owed.

One thing for sure, this sure doesn't leave me with a warm and fuzzy.

The last time they picked a nobody - McIver. Now they're stuck with him.

"black seat", "journalist seat"

how about:
the lisp seat? (Della)
crotchety, urban grandma seat? (Drago)


lets just have DISTRICTS

Whoa now. No one lithpth more than Conlin.

Josh or Dan should apply, get someone who actually represents us on the Council.

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