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Tuesday, December 6, 2005

How Do I Get to the Empire State Building?

Posted by on December 6 at 15:45 PM

I haven’t had any time to Slog today (or Flog, as a weird friend likes to call it) because I’ve been busy getting tomorrow’s paper out and, in particular, working on a story about some questionable billings at the the Democratic State Party. (That story is up online now.)

Perusing the Slog, however, I have no fucking idea what my colleagues are up to. Why is there a picture of Abraham Lincoln up here?

Anyway, I want to publicize a game I’ve invented. It’s called The Wikipedia Challenge.

Here’s how you play: Two players agree on one common Wikipedia entry, say, The Empire State Building. Then each player assigns the other player a different Wikipedia entry. For example, Player A assigns Player B Janet Reno, while Player B assigns Player A Beverly Hills 90210. The player that is able—through links—to get from their assigned entry to the Empire State Building entry in the fewest clicks wins!

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Oh, I like this..

My first game:
Destination: Jessica Simpson's 'Irresistible'
My Starting Point: Existentialism
My Opponents Starting Point: Unintended Consequences

I win with 8 clicks.

Existentialism ->
2001 ->
2001 in Television ->
Fox Broadcasting Company ->
List of Programs Broadcast by Fox ->
The Simple Life (got Simpson and Paris Hilton confused) ->
Paris Hilton ->
Ashlee Simpson ->
Jessica Simpson ->

Glad to see you finally have comments up and running on the slog. i'll take credit for that one - an idea birthed at Taco Heart Attack. now, you just need to get your news articles to do the same. it still links them to the forums.

We're working on that, too.

we love it.

just played our inaugural game.

destination: albert einstein
starts: the grand canyon, Charlemagne


The Grand Canyon>
Department of War>
World War II>
Atomic Bomb>
Albert Einstein

I'm glad you like the game.
I kinda dig "starts" as the term for the individually assigned Wikipedia entries. It could also be "Challenges.'

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