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Wednesday, December 7, 2005

11:30 — Ah, Oxygen

Posted by on December 7 at 23:30 PM

Josh Feit is at the College in Pub in the University District. The place is packed, and there’s not a table in the sight where people aren’t passing around cigarettes and smoking them. “The smoke is wafting up into the lights like it’s a 1930s gangster movie,” Josh says.

There’s a long set of stairs going down into the pub, and as Josh began to walk down these stairs a guy was coming up them, headed out of the bar. He got to the door and said, “Ah, oxygen.”

Josh soon found out why. “As you descend,” Josh said, “the smell of smoke is overwhelming.” When he got to the bottom, he saw one woman doubled over, gagging. He thinks she was joking. At a table nearby there were two guys smoking cigars.

Josh then played reporter with a “foxy” woman coming out of the bathroom:

Josh: Do you smoke?
Foxy woman: No.
Josh: Are you tonight?
Foxy woman: Yes.
Josh: Why?
Foxy woman: Because it’s the last night.

Next he asked the bartender, Ben, if he was going to make people put out their cigarettes at midnight. Ben said no. Josh asked why. Ben said because he doesn’t care.