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Friday, November 18, 2005

“This is not a freak show”

Posted by on November 18 at 16:05 PM

A new exhibit at South Street Seaport in NYC features cadavers in various educational, unfreak-like poses.

Have you ever wanted to see a fat woman quartered? Then this is the exhibit for you!

“People go away fascinated by what they’ve seen, and they’re better educated about their bodies,” says Dr. Glover, an anatomy professor who penned the exhibits’ explanatory pieces, which warn audiences of the dangers of obesity, steroid use, inactivity, and maybe being a Chinese prisoner on death row.

You will also get an idea of what you’d look like if you were a deboned Chinese cadaver (and/or executed prisoner, as the anti-cadaver-as-art “human rights” mutterings go) forced to lock hands with your own skeleton and dance a jig.

Or if you were a “sprinter whose flayed muscles fly around him like slices of prosciutto.” (a tragically common problem with Chinese athletes)

A charming array of photos can be browsed through via the full NY Times article here.