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Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Seattle’s Smaller Weekly Watch

Posted by on November 2 at 13:01 PM

For the week of November 2-8, 2005:

The Stranger: 108 pages.
Seattle Weekly: 100 pages.

UPDATE: Doh! Apparently the Weekly has an advertiser-bait pullout/insert this week—it’s called the “Menu of Menus.” There aren’t any menus in it, just ads for restaurants and a table of contents directing you to the ads which people will be reading for, ah, pleasure? A lot of old alt weeklies do “Menu of Menus.” But I wonder who reads these things? I know what alt-weekly sales folks tell people about them—”Readers will save this all year! Whenever they even think about going out to eat they’ll retrieve their treasured, dog-eared copy of “Menu of Menus,” and they’ll see your ad and eat in your restaurant!”—and I’m surprised that smart restaurant owners fall for it. But still, they do. And it’s 28 pages, and so this week’s Smaller Weekly Watch needs an asterisk. If you include the Menu of Menus, the Weekly is 128.