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Monday, November 7, 2005

More Help for Bicyclists

Posted by on November 7 at 14:36 PM

This tidbit was in the Getting There column in the Seattle P-I today:

A new bicycle safety law is now in effect, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission points out. It’s now a traffic violation to pass another vehicle when bicyclists are approaching in the oncoming lane or on the shoulder. The law stems from a May 2004 crash near Walla Walla that killed a bicyclist. House Bill 1108 extended the legal zone of protection for bicyclists and pedestrians to highway shoulders and bicycle lanes. The law states that it is illegal to use the left-hand side of the road to pass when a bicyclist or pedestrian is within view and approaching from the opposite direction.

I find this weekly column oddly compelling, and always read it, even though I hate driving. It addresses all sorts of getting-around issues, however, including those related to bicycle, bus, and feet.