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Tuesday, November 8, 2005

8:05 pm — Live from Nickels HQ

Posted by on November 8 at 20:05 PM

Josh Feit reports from the Nickels party at Ivar’s on the waterfront: Four young guys are setting up orange and blue streamers (Ed. note: these are Liveslogger’s alma mater colors.) A precocious West Seattle high school student named Travis Friedman, who was on the mayor’s youth council, tells Feit about the difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. He is wearing a stylish Art Deco tie and ends every response with an honorary “sir.”

When you walk in the front door, a sign on the door reads as follows:


Seems like a metaphor for Nickels’s recent anti-nightlife policies, Feit says, from expanding the JAT and strip-club regulations to forcing preemptive Community Good Neighbor Agreements on bars.