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Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Great Date Fodder

Posted by on November 9 at 11:26 AM

Here is an interesting article posted by the New Yorker about Torture. The senate recently approved Sen. McCain’s proposal that “would require Americans holding prisoners abroad to follow the same standards of humane treatment required at home by the U.S. Constitution.”

This prompted Cheney and CIA director Porter Goss to meet with McCain, who is a former POW (and no stranger to torture) to chat about his proposal. They argue that the C.I.A. must have the “flexibility” to handle alleged terrorists in “cruel, inhuman, and degrading” ways.

.It’s quite seriously all they want for Christmas this year.

Fun fact: In August, 2002, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel sent a memo to the White House, which stated that a coercive technique was torture only when it induced pain equivalent to what a person experiencing death or organ failure might suffer.

Anything less than that and you’re probably just a Big Pussy.