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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Feeling No Pain

Posted by on November 10 at 12:34 PM

Earlier this week, a weird head cold required me to stay home for a couple days. Among the delights (besides psycho-dream-packed daytime sleep): The Oprah Winfrey Show, which on Tuesday was devoted to “Truly Amazing Kids,” including one little girl who blew my fucking mind—Gabby, the 5-year-old who feels no pain.

At first glance, an inability to feel pain might sound like a desirable condition, rescuing victims from hangovers and migraines, and suggesting a pain-free existence comparable to starting each morning with a handful of Vicodin.

But as Oprah made clear, Gabby’s life is no cakewalk. She must wear tight-fitting swim goggles whenever she’s awake (to keep her from accidentally gouging out her eyes—one of which is already gone, requiring Gabby’s mom to insert a glass eye into her daughter every morning). Gabby has also had her teeth removed, to keep her from chewing through her own lips and cheeks.

Of course, empathy queen Oprah was careful to make room for the feelings of Gabby’s older sister, whom Oprah asked about the difficulties of growing up alongside Gabby.

“It’s hard,” said the 10-year-old sister, “because Gabby can’t feel pain.”

For the full story on Gabby, click here. And count your goddamn blessings.