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Tuesday, November 8, 2005

10:50 — Meinert Getting Belligerent

Posted by on November 8 at 22:50 PM

In response to our description, below, of the anti-monorail people being “all gray hair and smugness,” Meinert fired off this e-mail from the Mirabeau Room:

Listen you pro-monorail fucks, not all the anti-monorail folks are old white people. Some of us are just middle-aged (40ish?) white people. Who think lying about size and economics matters. Maybe you are all used to lying about both, but it obviously didn’t fly, so the people now voted against a bad plan with bad financing. Sometimes the people think and are smart. Even when the politicos lie to them. So there. Thanks god Seattle Center will stay the largest park in the inner city and not become a transportation corridor!

Thanks, Dave. We’ll have one of what you’re having…

UPDATE: Dan Savage here, Dave. Look, you anti-monorail bullshit artist, the “politicos” were never for the monorail. It was the people who backed it, the people who voted four times. Now the people have rejected it, and that’s that. But no transportation project could survive the attacks and double standards that the monorail project has had to deal with. So I wonder, Dave: The people you’re praising tonight for their smarts? Were they dumb the first four times they voted? The lies were from the anti-camp, Dave, not the pro, and the collective weight of lies eventually doomed the plan. You know, it’s easy to pick something apart, much harder to put something together. And here we are, no closer to rapid transit in this city, thanks to visionless, pro-sprawl, anti-urbanist, small-minded fuckwits like you. Cheers!