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Tuesday, November 8, 2005

10:05 p.m. — Great Results

Posted by on November 8 at 22:05 PM

Four drinks and many miles since he left the Mirabeau Room earlier tonight, Party Crasher has resurfaced at the Westin Hotel, from whence he reports:

“The anti-Monorail party is just what you would figure: All gray hair and smugness. The room is about the size of a studio apartment, which most of the partiers haven’t seen in years. Ron Sims’s room, meanwhile, is packed and ballroom-size, and Sims is smiling widely even though he’s only up by seven points against David Irons.

Party Bus riders have determined that the No on 912 party here has free drinks, and now they are drinking very liberally.

Just a minute ago at the No on 912 party, a middle aged woman was flipping through the channels, looking for more voting returns, when she accidentally flipped into a hardcore porn channel. Suddenly the screen showed a woman astride a man, her breasts bouncing. “Oh my,” the woman with the remote said, and continued flipping.

In response to which one of the Party Bus riders shouted: “No, no, no! I think those are great results. It looks like Ron Sims is winning.”