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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Today in Speculation, Part 2

Posted by on October 27 at 14:10 PM

How many ways can you say “no news until tomorrow”? Let us count the ways…


* The New York Times says: “The special counsel in the C.I.A. leak inquiry is not planning to make any public announcement on the case before Friday.”

* The Washington post says Fitzgerald is “expected to announce a final decision on charges in the two-year-long probe tomorrow.”

* The LA Times says “no announcements today on possible indictments.”

I could go on… But I won’t. For more speculation than a person can reasonably stand, the best bet, as always, is Raw Story.

Meanwhile, what does this mean for The Stranger’s INDICTMENT NIGHT PARTY? It means it’s probably going to happen tomorrow night. But keep checking back.
