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Friday, October 14, 2005

Re: On Stranger Hate

Posted by on October 14 at 15:24 PM

Dave, it is my opinion (a strong opinion—as Nabokov once put it) that Arthur Miller is, like James Albee, a terribly weak artist. I was even nice enough in my short review of the recent production of The Crucible to point out that the performances were, for the most part, not bad. What was wrong, what was rotten, was the original content, which was made by an artist whose writing is so bad just hearing it makes my soul cringe and crinkle like tin foil. I judge Miller on no other ground than that of an artist, and as far as i can see (and I can see pretty far), nothing his long life created is deserving of anything but severe criticism. (Indeed, if I was the headmaster of a tough private school, Miller would be the sort of school boy I’d enjoy caning—six of the best for that dumb play, young man.) I’m not hating; I’m telling it like it is.