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Thursday, October 27, 2005

Meet the New Sheriff

Posted by on October 27 at 11:00 AM

Four days after New Times announced it was buying the Village Voice Media chain, which owns Seattle Weekly, New Times head Michael Lacey singled out Weekly managing editor Chuck Taylor as an example of how things will be different under the new management.

From today’s Nashville Scene - one of six former Village Voice Media papers being bought by New Times - courtesy of hot tipper Sean Nelson, in Nashville:

“I think if people had to choose what was different between the New Times management style and the Village Voice management style, I’m probably more hands on,” [Lacey says.]… We take no glee in publishing an admonishment of a colleague, but just as an example, Lacey offers a choice critique about a recent column by Seattle Weekly writer Chuck Taylor, who offered a skeptical rumination about the rumored merger. “Well, the entire thing was pasted together from clips and press releases,” he says. “…I’m not all that hard to run down. He never called, he never wrote, and I think that’s just lazy. [Under New Times management, t]here won’t be any kind of lazy journalism going on. Chuck will pick up the phone and call people.”

(In his story, Taylor says Lacey did not return his call.)