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Monday, October 3, 2005

It’s in the PI The Stranger

Posted by on October 3 at 10:44 AM

While the PI may be shy about crediting The Stranger when we break news stories, the PI’s readers sure aren’t. Check out this letter in today’s PI.

Monday, October 3, 2005 Letters to the Editor HARBOR STEPS

Story didn’t factor in the favoritism

In “Harbor Steps fetches steep price,” Brad Wong failed to reveal a crucial piece of information regarding the record-breaking profit on the sale of Harbor Steps (Wednesday).

Mayor Greg Nickels’ downtown rezone allowed for height increases from Yesler Way to Denny Way, and from Interstate 5 to Alaskan Way. As The Stranger reported several months ago (“Zoning for Dollars,” Josh Feit, June 2), after heavy lobbying by Harbor Properties’ president and a face-to-face meeting with the planning director, the portion of the up-zone just south of the Harbor Steps building (along Western Avenue between University and Columbia streets) was removed from the plan, sparing Harbor Steps the risk of future construction obstructing its views.

While the region’s improving economy may be helping the rental market, it seems likely that the biggest boost to the sale price of Harbor Steps was provided by favoritism from Nickels.

Phil Mocek

Here’s what my new favorite person in the world, Phil Mocek of Seattle, is talking about.