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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

In Seattle There Is Every Kind of Movie

Posted by on October 26 at 14:52 PM

Our own Charles Mudede and director Rob Devor (the writer/director team behind Police Beat) have announced their new project, a documentary to be produced by Scott Macauley in association with Michael Seiwerath and Northwest Film Forum. The movie called In the Forest There Is Every Kind of Bird (a statement that, though obviously untrue, is quite beautiful) and it will be about a favorite topic of this here Slog: the famous perforated colon of the man (a Boeing engineer) who died after being penetrated by a horse.

But Charles will protest: It is not merely about a colon. From the press release:

The documentary’s essential goal will be to humanize the man who was killed by having sex with a horse. “In no way is this intended to be a sensationalistic film,” states Devor. “At the center of this story is a man with human relationships, strengths, frailties, regrets and dreams. We want to reverse his alien status and return him to the human community.” Also a priority to the filmmakers is creating a documentary that is equal parts crime reporting, poetry and philosophical essay. “We wish to examine the nature of desire,” says Mudede. “The fact that one human can desire intimacy with a horse means all humans are capable of desiring the same thing. Desire is universal.”

Another topic the film will discuss, according to Charles: the parallel obsolescence of equine travel and American manufacturing. Another topic the film should discuss, according to me: the mechanism by which a stallion is persuaded to mount a human being. This is the only question that will draw throngs of viewers to this movie.