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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Gore: No Plans to Run Again

Posted by on October 12 at 11:09 AM

So Al’s out. He says he has no “intention” of ever running for president again, but that could change. But you gotta love the new, angry, truth-telling, far-from-Donna-Brazille Al, the Gore that speaks his friggin’ mind. After giving a speech in Stockholm, Gore pointed out the ways in which the United States would be a different country if he had been elected in 2000:

“We would not have invaded a country that didn’t attack us,” he said, referring to Iraq. “We would not have taken money from the working families and given it to the most wealthy families. We would not be trying to control and intimidate the news media. We would not be routinely torturing people,” Gore said.

The whole AP story is here.

A GOP spokesperson quoted in the story calls Gore’s comments “fictitious rants that border on dangerous.” Gore’s dangerous? Well then why doesn’t W declare Gore an enemy combatant and pack him off to Gitmo?