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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Video “Too Intelligent” for BET

Posted by on September 13 at 11:18 AM

Little Brother’s video for “Lovin’ It” (off the group’s forthcoming The Minstrel Show) has caused a stir in some hiphop circles for being denied air time on BET because it’s “too intelligent.” Read the description below from and decide for yourself:

The video begins with a delivery truck dropping boxes labeled “gangsta,” “backpackers,” “earthy” and “icy” onto a street. The rest of the clip mostly sees LB and Joe Scudda, who is also featured on the song, performing in front of a capacity crowd. The clip also pokes fun at the Hip-Hop subgenres by depicting overly exaggerated backpacker and gangsta characters in the audience. “Lovin’ It” also jokingly features typical scenes with Big Pooh sitting next to champagne-sipping models in the venue’s VIP section while LB’s entourage pop bottles. The video concludes with a car running through the boxes dropped on the street earlier.