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Friday, September 30, 2005

The Deaf Stars of The Achuar

Posted by on September 30 at 10:53 AM

The French ethnologist Philippe Descole describes an aspect of the world-view of the Achaur, a tribe that lives in Amazon region, in this startlingly beautiful way:

“[For the Achaur, in nature there are a] set of things with which communication cannot be established. Opposite beings endowed with language, of which humans are the most perfect incarnation, stand those things deprived of speech that inhabit parallel, inaccessible worlds. The inability to communicate is often ascribed to the lack of soul that affects certain living species: most insects and fish, poultry, and numerous plants, which thus lead a mechanical, inconsequential existence. But the absence of communication is sometimes due to distance: the souls of stars and meteors, infinitely far away and prodigiously mobile, remain deaf to human words.”
Passages like this make my life happy.