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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

More Strip Clubs? Bring ‘Em On, P-I Readers Say

Posted by on September 14 at 12:28 PM

The P-I’s editorial board weighs in today on the mayor’s proposed new strip-club regulations, which virtually ensure the demise of Seattle’s four remaining strip clubs by banning lap dances, requiring supermarket-bright lighting in all clubs, and requiring customers to hand tips to a manager or deposit them in tip jars. Mayor Nickels drafted the new rules in anticipation of yesterday’s ruling overturning Seattle’s 17-year strip-club moratorium:

Seattle’s lax rules on conduct, which allow up-close contact between dancers and customers, and the ban on new competitors are a perfect business environment, for the existing clubs. With the judge’s decision, it’s time for the council to approve Mayor Greg Nickels’ better-late-than-never proposal for tightening club regulations. Anything less than concerted action by the mayor and council will invite a flood of new clubs, making the city the undisputed sleaze capital of the state.

Seems like the P-I’s readers are OK with that: According to the online poll that accompanies the editorial, nearly three-quarters of readers don’t want the new regulations, and believe “city government [should] allow Seattle strip clubs to enjoy a competitive advantage over those in nearby cities.”

Voice your opinion on the mayor’s proposed strip-club regulations here.