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Monday, September 19, 2005

Casey Corr Contradictions

Posted by on September 19 at 10:25 AM

After city council candidate Casey Corr realized he had an image problem—the mayor’s office is running his campaign and people think he’ll be a rubber stamp for Nickels—Corr came up with a Nickels policy to criticize. Corr claims he doesn’t like Nickels’s South Lake Union Trolley Plan. That’s funny: Here’s Corr talking about the South Lake Union Trolley on a May 7, 2004 King 5 report titled “South Lake Union: Building Seattle’s urban model.”

Because congestion in the area is unlikely to disappear, the goal is to build a community where a car is less of a necessity.

“Our goal is to make transit very attractive,” said Casey Corr of Mayor Greg Nickel’s office. “With Monorail and light rail coming, which will both serve Westlake Center, the streetcar will go south to Westlake so we’ll have a transit hub.”

Corr pointed out that a streetcar can be built within two years. The first phase of the streetcar would connect Westlake Center with the South Lake Union neighborhood. Eventually it could reach the University of Washington.

“The waterfront park is profoundly important - with a streetcar you can be shopping at Nordstrom and sailing on Lake Union in 15 minutes,” said Corr.