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Friday, August 5, 2005

What’s the Wet Spot Really Like?

Posted by on August 5 at 17:48 PM

Wendy over in the forums has a rather un-PC question that she needs answered. Anyone out there who can help?

has anyone actually been to the wet spot? i am curious about it, but being a hot 20-something capitol hillster, i don’t really want to go to waste my time going somewhere with a bunch of fat poly goths in vinyl (sorry, i’ll be nice to them in everyday life and all, but i don’t want to fuck them.or see them fucking.ew.). I can get free hot ass up here. I just want a dungeon. and, like, i know about being pro-sex and I am pretty open minded in my non-sex life, but i know what i want when it comes to pussy, and it is not akward smelly people with bad dyed black hair. can anyone tell me if this stereotype is un-applicable? ps i don’t fuck people with bad dyed black hair on the hill, either. anymore.

Outraged? Let Wendy know in the forums. Got an answer for her? Even bettershare it with Wendy in the Stranger Forums.

You can find Wendy’s question here.

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