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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Re: News on Mia Zapata’s Killer

Posted by on August 24 at 15:59 PM

Just to clarify, Jesus Mezquiathe guy convicted of beating, raping and killing Mia Zapatais not getting out of prison. His 36-year sentence was overturned on a technicality and will be redetermined, because the state appeals court found that the judge erroneously tacked on an extra 10 years (a decision that I recall was met with whoops of joy, and tears of relief in the courtroom that day). The exceptional circumstances that led to the hefty sentence weren’t proven to the jury or admitted by Mezquia, the appeals court said. His conviction, however, was unanimously upheld by the higher court.

And never fearthe team that won Mezquia’s conviction in the first place has a very special place in their collective heart for Mia, and they’ll fight to the end to make sure this creepy guy spends many, many years in prison.