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Thursday, August 4, 2005

Must-See TV

Posted by on August 4 at 10:57 AM

To all those citizens blessed enough to have digital cablespecifically Comcast digital cable with HBOthere’s a documentary available “On Demand” that I’m totally obsessed with and can’t recommend highly enough, especially to those who love deep, dark humor-slash-terror: Living Dolls: The Making of a Child Beauty Queen.

Given the sordidness of the subject, Living Dolls features plenty of footage to which the only response is to gape in horrorthings like adults applying mascara to infants, and little, little girls ripping open their cowboy tops to expose their bustiers while making faces like this.

But director Shari Cookson hones her film into something far greater than a salacious indignation parade, focusing her documentary on the pageant journey of one little girl with an exceedingly dramatic backstory, which turns Living Dolls into a Hoop Dreams for the Jon-Benet set, and perhaps the most disturbing G-rated film you’ll ever see.

Catch it while you can, as it’ll be taken off the HBO On Demand menu on Monday, Aug 8.

(Thanks to Jake Nelson for his lovely photo of TV.)