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Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Lightning Claims Another Scout

Posted by on August 3 at 11:40 AM

I no longer have any wisecracks to make about the ongoing Scoutocaust.

After last week’s horrorsthe four Scout leaders fatally electrocuted at the annual Jamboree in Virginia, the two scouts fatally struck by lightning in California, today’s deadly zap in Utahit’s clear that electricity has declared Jihad on the Boy Scouts.

But why? Can the Scouts’ woodsy survivalist leanings really be such an affront to the gods of electricity?

Or is this one of those media trends, where one grisly Scout electrocution results in the reporting of all other Scout electrocutions, making it seem like a horrifying new trend when really, Scouts and their leaders are fatally electrocuted all the time?

Either way, eep.