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Friday, August 19, 2005

It’s the Jews! It’s the Jews!

Posted by on August 19 at 12:59 PM

Today’s revelation in the PI about Cindi Laws making repeated anti-Jewish comments during her meeting with the King County Labor Council is ugly stuff. She basically implied that there was a Jewish conspiracy to kill the monorail. Here’s an interesting side note: Laws tries to justify her weird comments by saying former monorail executive director Joel Horn (Horn is Jewish) had joked about being one of the only Jews in town who supported the monorail. This adds an ironic twist to the story. Here’s why: I’ve actually always sensed a level of anti-Semitism in the anti-monorail crowd’s attacks on Horn. Last year’s recall commercials featuring Joel as a shadowy charlatan were one public manifestation of the strange distaste for Horn.

One of the weirdest e-mails I’ve ever gotten at the Stranger came from a prominent anti-monorail campaigner who accused Joel and me of being “snobby East Coasters” who were in cahoots to trick innocent Seattleites. The e-mail actually accused Joel and I (inaccurately) of knowing each other “back east” and having some “secret connection.” (It’s the East Coast Jewish cabal!) Man, this town is weird: The Jews killed the monorail and the Jews also tried to trick Seattle into building the monorail.