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Friday, July 22, 2005

Right About Last Days

Posted by on July 22 at 13:30 PM

My review of Last Days is correct. Maerz is wrong in the way that Frizzelle’s criticism of my praise of Batman Returns was wrong. My concern is cinema; meaning, the stuff that makes a movie a movie and not something else. I don’t care if the dialogue is dumb or the pace is slow. What I want to determine is the condition of the work: cinema or not cinema? That is the only question I ask when watching a collection of images that are moving on a screen. If the images do not amount to cinema, then I call it bad. If they come close to cinema, then I say almost good. If what has just happened is cinema, I say great. If you or Frizzelle are going to make a habit of criticizing my criticisms then please do so on the grounds that I formulate my criticisms, instead of grounds that are not really grounds because they are not at all sound.