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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Re: It’s John G. Roberts

Posted by on July 19 at 18:10 PM

Wow, Wikipedia is so fast. They already have a good entry on John G. Roberts, including choice excerpts from a brief relevant to Roe v. Wade. (He’s also a practicing Catholic, and I don’t want to make any rash generalizations, but you know what the pope thinks about abortion…) No mention of his (purely hypothetical) undergrad frat days, though. But look at Johnny boy’s big green eyes—obviously frat material.

On a more serious note, Fred Barbash at the Washington Post is doing a good job of keeping up with responses to the nomination, and there’s a transcript of the announcement if you missed it on the teevee, etc.

From the transcript of Bush’s announcement: “”He’s a man of extraordinary accomplishment and ability. He has a good heart. He has the qualities Americans expect in a judge: experience, wisdom, fairness and civility.” Don’t forget studliness, Mr. President.