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Monday, July 18, 2005

Me & You = Something Else

Posted by on July 18 at 8:30 AM

Place me alongside Annie, Christopher, and Sean on the list of Stranger folk who thought enough of Me and You and Everyone We Know to Slog about it.

I finally caught it this weekend at the Guild 45th, and, eurek-duh, it’s amazing. Yeah, the clear comparison is Todd Solondz, but July’s movie has none of his vengeance, his sense of inflicting ugliness on the world as payback for forcing him to know such ugliness in the first place. July renders even the harshest elements of her film with unconditional love, and while loving portraits of ugly subjects is nothing new, it’s never been this sweet, and a sweet movie about harsh shit is something to see.

(Plus, for a film with so much to say about so many things”issues,” they’re calledto avoid pedantry so skillfully is a fucking miracle.)

P.S. Sean’s right about the odd preponderance of butt shots, capturing Ms. July’s retreating jean-clad bootie. However, Ms. July’s butt is very photogenic, boasting that perfect upside-down heart shape, and every scene with butt in the background features something else interesting in the foreground.