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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Annoying Ads in Movie Theaters

Posted by on July 19 at 15:35 PM

An article in news, “Few Protests Over Theater Ads, Say Movie Chains” claims that:

Despite numerous published commentaries of late about how movie theater ads are driving away patrons, exhibitors maintain that they have received few complaints from the public about them and that many moviegoers actually like them.

This is total hooey. I recently made the mistake of going to the Uptown Theater to see a film. I had to sit through more than 10 minutes of commercials. These were not movie previews, they were ads for things such as toothbrushes and nicotine patches. It was so incredibly annoying I vowed to NEVER RETURN to that theater. I will be going to Landmark Theaters, where I will not be driven to a possible freakout by the stupid commercials.