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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Wesley Clark?

Posted by on June 22 at 9:36 AM

I’m fond of the name “Wesley,” and I’m fond of DailyKos, and I can’t freakin’ wait to start sending large checks to the next Dem who makes a run for the White House - and, yes, I’ll send those checks even if the Dem turns around and, like John Fucking Kerry, says insulting things about gays and lesbians at every third campaign stop.

But… Wesley Clark?

DailyKos hosted a straw poll earlier this week, and nearly 14,000 people voted. And Clark came out ahead, with 26% of the vote. Hillary Clinton got just 10% - the same percentage that voted for Russ Feingold, the Senator from Wisconsin. I voted for Feingold - twice, actually, once from my work computer and once from my home computer. I don’t think Feingold, a liberal Jew and one of the architects of campaign finance reform, has a shot in hell, but I dig him. (He was also one of only a handful of Senators to vote against the Iraq war, but I can’t hold being so damn RIGHT against him.)

I have to admit that I’m shocked - shocked! - that Clark did so well. He tanked, utterly tanked, in the 2004 Dem primaries, and I wasn’t that impressed with him. Were other Dems? Looks that way.

One bright spot: John “Dumber Than Bush” Kerry was the presidential pick of just 2% of the voters. “No Freakin’ Clue” came in at 17%.