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Saturday, June 11, 2005

Nickels v. Bush: Nickels Wins Round 2

Posted by on June 11 at 17:00 PM

Nickels’s Kyoto resolution passed out of the Energy Committee at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Chicago late Saturday afteroon. So, now it’s on to a full floor vote this Monday. You’ve got to hand it to Team Nickels: It looks like they’ve totally out organized the White House on this one.

(Nickels’s resolution calls for U.S. cities to implement local policies that will reduce greenhouse gasses 7 percent below 1990 levels by 2012a key component of the Kyoto Protocols. The resolution is an obvious slap at the Bush administration, which withdrew the U.S. from the treaty in 2001.)

Nickels topped off the day with this power quote from the heart of the urban archipelago: “We can’t wait for federal leadership. In order for cities to preserve their quality of life, we must act to reduce the effects of greenhouse gases, and we must act now.”