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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Jacko: The Aftermath, Pt. 1

Posted by on June 22 at 8:00 AM

Sometimes there’s crud so quickly.

72 hours after Michael Jackson’s acquittal, this email was sent to Last Days:

Hi David. I’m a bit surprised at your hostility toward Michael and sour grapes over the verdict… Jacko is arguably the most revolutionary figure of our times! I believed him when he said he had physical closeness—but no sexual contact—with young boys, and it inspired me to come out of the closet about my similar feelings for young girls.

From here, the guy links to his website, which is devoted to providing information and support to all "who desire more physical contact with young girls than what society deems appropriate," and boasts such community-building features as a guide to "Local parks where I've seen young girls with no adult supervision" and a review of the little-girl scene at the recent Marysville's Strawberry Festival Carnival.

Similar to the NAMBLA folk I was required to engage during their bid for subcultural legitimacy in the mid-'90s, this "LG" guy seems to get off on repetetive discussion of his completely innocuous desires, and at first, I didn't want to give him any more fuel for wanking by linking to his site.

But you're all adults, and knowledge is power, and I believe the children are our future,