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Friday, May 27, 2005

Sexist fuckwad

Posted by on May 27 at 14:55 PM

So, I was reticent to share this stupid, stupid letter with the world, but thanks to our new “all letters get published on the web” policy, I guess it’s worth pointing out what a pathetic dick certain persons can be, especially when it comes to women who play rock ‘n’ roll, and even a decade post-riot grrrl.

This morning, a reader named David A. Kulczyk wrote in to say:

I’m surprised that Hannah Levin had time to write the hero worshiping article on Sleater-Kinney - she seemed to have spent most of the interview licking the band’s pussys’.

David Schmader forwarded his response to our internal listserv: “uh…you don’t have much luck with women, do you?”

To which I responded: “or grammar. ’ pussys’ ‘? please.”

We could leave it at that, because I assume it’s pretty clear that Mr. Kulczyk deserves to be locked in a tiny cell listening to Bikini Kill’s “Suck My Left One” at an ear-splitting volume for the rest of his life. But come on, people. Is it not 2005? Can’t you please grow up? Or do I have to ask the ladies of S-K to reprise their fine 1995 recording “A Real Man” at their show next week? I’m so incredibly sick of this shit.