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Sunday, May 29, 2005

One More Common

Posted by on May 29 at 9:13 AM

Common is the July of this week’s slog. Our hiphop critic, Larry Mizell, has this to say on the matter.

oh jesus aich christ.

let the man dedicate a terrific album to his god if he wants to.
the fact that com poses questions like "what if god/was a her?"(from BE's "Faithful") tells me that his thought process is leagues beyond most in this rap game. he contradicts himself plenty sure, but so does our boy krs-one, who you compared to gothic novels or architecture or something...;)
so do we all. yes, he talks shit about whites. probably just a cunning ploy to get more of em to buy his cd's. (see: public enemy.) and he'd apparently have a problem with my interracial dating. but he don't pay my rent. and cmon dude, if it were ghostface you'd say not a word. common is progressing, bit by bit, from his renouncing of his own once-marked homophobia, to his dialogue on spirituality. and he's reaching people that aren't listening to beans or prefuse 73. let the brother do his thing thing.

at least he's not 50 Cent wearing a 10 lb. cross while talking about all the imaginary brothers he murks on a daily basis whilst sipping his signature vitamin water in his connecticut mansion. anyway, just had to holler.

At least Common makes adult hiphop. That credit he deserves.