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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Camping at Sasquatch

Posted by on May 25 at 16:13 PM

Camping is a very loose term at the Gorge. Basically, there’s a huge field/parking lot overlooking the ampitheater, and you set up your tent next to your car. At the beginning of the season (now), the grass is really long and makes for a fairly comfortable night’s sleep. Not that you’ll be getting much sleep, because you’ll be in close proximity to thousands of other campers, who will be drinking and partying late into the night.

There are showers (I don't think anyone actually uses them), and many clusters of portapotties complmented by sinks with actual running water. So you can brush your teeth and wash up not far from your 'campsite.'

Tips: Drive to the Gorge the morning of Sasquatch, and set up your tent before the show. Then you can just stumble back in the dark and it's ready to go. But stake it down well. It gets really windy on that hill.

And there are lots of parking lot attendents directing you on where to park your car. So if you plan to circle a few vehicles and make a big campsite with friends, either drive in at the same time, or park off to the side, claim a big space, and figure out a way to flag down your friends later.

Also, the people at the Gorge gate don't let you bring much in, which is a pain in the ass. (Sneaking in contraband can be a challenge, but it's doable. Be creative.) Sasquatch is fun. You'll have a blast. I'm jealous--I can't go this year. I want a full report.